Thursday, October 1, 2015

Shapes in Adobe Illustrator


This assignment is designed to become familiar with the different kinds of shape tools in Adobe Illustrator. I decided to create an image of a house and the environment that was made up all of the shapes required, and then label them on the photo as well.

Rectangle shape

To achieve this shape, I simply used the Rectangle tool.

Perfect Square shape

In order to create a perfect square, you need to click on the Rectangle Tool, and press down the shift key.

Rounded Rectangle Tool

To achieve this tool, I simply used the Rounded Rectangle Tool.

Elliptical Tool

I used the Ellipse Tool.

Circle Tool

To create a perfect circle, hold down the shift key when using the Ellipse Tool.

Polygon with 6 Sides

To create a polygon with 6 sides, click the Polygon Tool, click anywhere on the document, and an option tab will pop up and you can adjust the number of sides you'd like to have.

Polygon with 3 sides

To create a polygon with 3 sides, click the Polygon Tool, click anywhere on the document, and an option tab will pop up and you can adjust the number of sides you'd like to have.

Star with 5 points

To create a star with 5 points, click the Star Tool, click anywhere on the document, and an option tab will pop up and you can adjust the number of points.

Star with 6 points

To create a star with 6 points, click the Star Tool, click anywhere on the document, and an option tab will pop up and you can adjust the number of points.

Flare Shape

While using the Flare Tool, click on an area in the document and the Flare Tool options will pop up. You will then have the option to adjust the center, the number of rays, the growth (size), and the halo of the flare.

Option Tool

When using any of shapes, by holding down the option key on a selected shape, it creates a duplicate shape.

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