Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vector File Size Comparison

 Simple Vector

I opened a new document in Adobe Illustrator using Photoshop selfie. I Image Traced and selected 3 colors and hit expand. After I saved the image, I went under the Object drop list, path, simplify and the checked the preview to get the number of points the image has. This image has 1,234 pts, and the file size is 2.7 MB. This file size is smaller than the Complex image because it uses less colors and no High Fidelity.

Complex Vector

I replaced my Photoshop selfie in a new document. Now I Image traced the image and changed the preset settings to High Fidelity which makes the quality of the image better. Once I saved the image, I went under the Object drop list, path, simplify and the checked the preview to get the number of points the image has. This image has 6,533 pts, and the file size is 2.7 MB. This file size is bigger than the Simple vector because it's of a higher quality image.

Line Vector

I opened a new letter sized document in Adobe Illustrator and created a curved line that has only 2 anchors using the Pen Tool. To make the image have 10 pts, go to the Windows tab and click Stroke. Next, where it says weight, change the point size to 10 pts. After saving this, I went under the Object drop list, path, simplify and the checked the preview to get the number of points the image has. This image has 2 pts, and the file size is 1.6 MB.

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