Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Pen Tool

For this exercise, we used the pen tools to create different shapes in Adobe Illustrator. This assignment was designed to make us adjusted to using the pen tool, and learning the different effects that this tool can bring to design. I liked this assignment because I really had to learn from the computer, rather than relying on someone else's assistance. Below are the following effects that I created using the Pen Tool.

Geometric Rectangle

By using the Pen Tool, on an open document, click anywhere, drag the line, and click. Keep doing this until you get your desired geometric shape.

Curved Organic Shape

Using the Pen Tool, anywhere on a document, click and then hold down the mouse while dragging the line to make it curve. Also holding the shift key down will help you get this effect. I initially had problems with making mine curve until I finally figured out the method that worked best for me.

Straight Line with a Curved Arrow at the End

In the Pen Tool, create a straight line, after, go into your windows tab and check "Stroke". Then you will find options for arrowheads and select the curved arrow.

Curved Line with Curved Arrow at the Start

Using the Pen Tool, create a curved line. Next, go into your windows tab and check "Stroke". Then you will find options for arrowheads and select the curved arrow.

3 Point Curved Line with Different Stroke Type

Once again, create a curved line with the Pen Tool. Then, go into your windows tab and check "Stroke". You will find options for arrowheads and customize to your liking. On that palette, make sure where it says "Dashed Line" is checked. Underneath you can input how many points you want the line to be.

Add Anchor Point Tool

By right clicking the Pen Tool in the Tool Bar, select Add Anchor Point Tool. This allows you to add more curves to your line by selecting the anchor points of the line. 

Delete Anchor Point Tool

By right clicking the Pen Tool in the Tool Bar, select Delete Anchor Point Tool. This tool deconstructs the curves which makes the line become straighter. To achieve this click on the anchors of the curve and hold down the shift key.


Command Tool

This tool rotates the vector over the x-axis.

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