Thursday, November 12, 2015

Type Figures using Adobe InDesign

This assignment was designed to help introduce some of the many different opportunities that InDesign has to offer. It was to get us accustom to the the different ways to be creative whenever you are putting together something in the program.

Type Figure

For this assignment I used the letter "S" to create a snake. I added a period to make it's eye, and I changed the color to white for it to be visible.

Sentence Design

I thought of a sentence off of the top of my head that was sarcastic which is, "I'm SUCH a morning person". I made the word "morning" look like it was rising like the sun, and the word "person" descending.

Wrap Around Text

On this image I copied and pasted the sentence, "The stars shine bright". I then used the Pen Tool and created a star. After, I selected the wrap around tool, and then the justify tool to make the words fit around the text made the star clear.


I wrote out the sentence, "I smiled at my friends, and they smiled back". I used the colon and a capital D to make the smiley face. I made the smiley faces their own text book. i rotated it  and placed it into the  sentence.

Word Effect

In photoshop, it used the Text Tool to type the word "fading". I then used the Dodging Tool which made the word look like it's actually fading. I went back into InDesign and saved it.

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