Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Type Assignment

This project has exposed me to the possible creative opportunities that InDesign can accomplish. I incorporated images to replace text, and used photos to complete and idea. This assignment has also introduced me to packaging images. I also saved 7 PDF files of these images and printed them out to my instructor. InDesign is an ideal layout software due to it's wide array of settings that makes your art unique.

Type and symbol illustration

On this image, I chose a picture of a rose, and turned the photo into a bitmap image in Photoshop. Next, I went into InDesign and placed the PSD photo of the rose on a new document that had 1.5 inch margins. The rose represents the letter "T". I used the text tool to complete the word which is "Time". The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins.

Combining a letter and overlapping symbol illustration

For this illustration, I chose a picture of a roll of film, and changed the color mode to greyscale. I went into InDesign and used the Text tool and typed a D. I filled in the openings of the letter with the Pen Tool and filled it black. Next, I  and placed the PSD photo of the film on top of the the "D" and moved it where I desired. The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins which was 1.5 inches.

Combine type and photo illustration

On this photo, typed in InDesign the word "lips". I chose a picture of a lip stick, and placed that into InDesign. I removed the letter "I" and moved the lipstick image in it's place. The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins which was 1.5 inches.

Photo used as a verb/  noun to replace a word

For this image, I used a picture of a beverage that would replace the verb "drink". I placed it in InDesign on a new new document that had 1.5 inch margins. I then used the Text tool to write the word "me", therefore; the word combination I created is "Drink me". The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins. 

Combine two photos to communicate a phrase, cliche, or idea.

On this image, I used a photo of a house that I found on Google, and a photo of a card. I opened a new document in InDesign and placed the images within the margins which are 1.5 inches. The idea that I chose was "House of Cards".  The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins. 

Incorporate an image relating to and interacting with text

For this photo, I typed in the word "smile" using the Text tool in InDesign. I picked a picture of a smiley face and placed it as the dot for the letter "I" in the word. Then the word with the smiley face really is smiling at you.  The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins which was 1.5 inches.

Using only type, word or concept illustration

On this photo in InDesign, I used the text tool to write out the word "Huge". I made sure that the letter "H" was significantly larger that the other letters in the word, and gradually had them become smaller so that you can see the difference in size. The imagery needed to touch the sides of the margins which was 1.5 inches.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Type Figures using Adobe InDesign

This assignment was designed to help introduce some of the many different opportunities that InDesign has to offer. It was to get us accustom to the the different ways to be creative whenever you are putting together something in the program.

Type Figure

For this assignment I used the letter "S" to create a snake. I added a period to make it's eye, and I changed the color to white for it to be visible.

Sentence Design

I thought of a sentence off of the top of my head that was sarcastic which is, "I'm SUCH a morning person". I made the word "morning" look like it was rising like the sun, and the word "person" descending.

Wrap Around Text

On this image I copied and pasted the sentence, "The stars shine bright". I then used the Pen Tool and created a star. After, I selected the wrap around tool, and then the justify tool to make the words fit around the text made the star clear.


I wrote out the sentence, "I smiled at my friends, and they smiled back". I used the colon and a capital D to make the smiley face. I made the smiley faces their own text book. i rotated it  and placed it into the  sentence.

Word Effect

In photoshop, it used the Text Tool to type the word "fading". I then used the Dodging Tool which made the word look like it's actually fading. I went back into InDesign and saved it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Selecting Text in Adobe InDesign

This assignment was my introduction into InDesign. I used the Text tool, and learned the different functions it had.


 Click and Drag

it selects the area on the document to place text.

1 Click

puts the cursor in the selected area that you'd like to type text.

2 Clicks

it high lights a selected word.

2 Clicks and Drag

highlights the selected words which can be adjusted.

3 Clicks

highlights a line.

3 Clicks and Drag

highlights multiple lines faster.

4 Clicks

highlights a paragraph.

4 Clicks and drag

highlights multiple paragraphs quicker.

5 Clicks

Selects the whole text in the text box.

5 Clicks and Drags

No function

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Logo Design and Layout Stages

6x6 Cat logo



I intended my audience to be for those who have cats and are looking to try a new brand of food.

Gestalt Uses

The goal of this assignment was to use your initials, and create a personal logo that would represent Gestalt art. At the beginning, I really didn't know what I was going to draw. While brainstorming, I came up with a cat, and I used the my "C" initials to give the cat it's eyes, and an "E" to create it's nose. I utilized Gestalt by not giving the cat's head a real shape, and outlined it with the ears and body so that you can create the head mentally.


The terse of this design is that I wanted to be creative in some way with the cat sketch. I decided to make the eyes "C"s which stand for my initials, and leave the outline of the head out.

Bottom Line

I want this logo to represent my "company" called Cats Excellent Crunchies.



I brainstormed 20+ thumbnails in order to conjure up a logo using Gestalt.

Rough Draft

Once I scanned my logo, used Photoshop and cleaned up the edges by adjusting the levels which made the edges sharp.


The 6x6 image is up at the very top.

Photoshop cleaned up levels