Thursday, September 24, 2015

GIF Colors and Quality

For this assignment, I used the Cutout filter in Photoshop, but instead of saving the image as a jpg, I saved it as a GIF. In terms of Indexed Color, it allows the colors values of an image to have 0 to 256 colors. I have two different images that i selected to have two different color values.

Filter Cutout Gif with 6 colors

File size: 16 KB

The quality of this image isn't great do to only using 6 colors, so it makes a lot of the images details look washed out such as my nose and mouth area. The file size is of this image is small due to the limited amount of colors in the photo

Filter Cutout Gif with 200 colors

File size: 49 KB

The quality of this picture is better than the one above do since there are 200 colors in this image. Since there is more colors, it give the items in this picture more detail such as my nose and mouth. The file size is bigger than the previous photo due to the fact that there is more information (color) in this image.

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