Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Rubbings

Crayon Rubbing 1
 Crayon Rubbing
For this assignment, I made two pictures using three different colored crayons, and rubbed them on something around campus that had texture, text, and a symbol. The images on the left hand side are the result.  

The goals of this assignment are to become aware of things such as texture, text, and symbols that can appear in color that can translate when scanning an image, and to have our first exposure to scanning in this class.

Critique of crayon rubbing 1
The photo uses colors that bring out the textures, text and symbols. The colors compliment each other so that it is easy to see each element. The text is in a darker color so maybe it gives the word more importance. The texture is in a mild tone so it gives it a less rugged effect, but you can still see the texture. The image is probably about marketing the campus since it is using its logo and uses the word "marketing". It uses more feminine colors so you can guess that a woman did it (obviously).
Crayon Rubbing 2

Critique of crayon rubbing 2
The photo uses colors that bring out the textures, text and symbols. On this photo you can see the mess up attempt which is distracting. The color choices are darker which gives of a masculine vibe. The rubbing of the male restroom symbol looks almost ghost link due to its shading and dark color. The dull color texture makes it easier for the text and symbol to pop out. The image may be about relations since since the word "relations" is used, there is only one human figure, and has a big grey area which can represent the grey area that you can have with people in your life.

1 comment:

  1. When creating any form of art even if we are not artists the whole point is to make the person looking at it think, no matter how dull or bright the piece may be. Looking at Cami’s art work on the surface level the first thing I saw the AWC logo in a pinkish color. I could also see a couple of letters but it took me a sec to figure out that it read, MARKETING. The colors that she chose, I assume were picked with intent because they go very well with each other, it reminded me of a watermelon slice but maybe that was just because I was hungry at the time. I think that a lot of us were drawn to the AWC logo because we were looking for something that represent us or at least says something about us and it traced quite well. The letters on her piece read MARKETING which could mean that maybe she has an interest in marketing without even knowing it or it could just be because it was the first thing she found interesting enough to trace over or perhaps she is trying to get us to see something else.
